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Should i ask her if she likes me over facebook? - Printable Version

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Should i ask her if she likes me over facebook? - trace - 04-23-2014 03:52 PM

Hey, i'm wondering if i should ask a girl if she likes me over facebook? If she said yea, then i would ask her out in person. Its not like asking her out over facebook which is a bit dumb but ok. Thanks in advance. im a little stupid teen and need help please! thanks

- MrCooool - 04-23-2014 04:01 PM

ask her our in person! if it doesn't go your way that's excellent news! because you are now free to shop around! Find a new girl worth asking out! Repeat repeat, dont let **** touch your confidence!

If u ask her if she likes you on fb you might sound: Creepy, Pusssy or otherwise put yourself in a situation where even if you DID ask her out afterward, she will treat you like a door mat in your "relationship"

Just saying, from experience with women. They aren't worth the time figuring out how they think and what not (girl have girls figured out and they hate each other so you're not missing out on anything). As I said, just shop around till one responds positively. but if u keep getting turned down like 4-5 times, just stop entirely because you have a problem with your selector. I don't see you running into that problem though. Just each time you see a girl who appears to see you too, give her a shot!

Good luck! re read the first 2 sentances only

- 455 - 04-23-2014 04:02 PM

Oh my God! Nooo! Please don't ask her if she likes you on facebook, that's too tacky and easy for you. She'll know what you are doing. Leave her a cute letter in her locker or place a pretty flower on her desk in one of her classes you have with her and leave a note with it before she comes to class. It'll be very cute and she'll be a happy girl!

- emo_princess86 - 04-23-2014 04:08 PM

its never a good idea to tell someone how you feel online, you don't know if they would lie to you when they answer. it's better to tell her in person.

- shay - 04-23-2014 04:16 PM

No never ask a girl how she online a guy did that to me and it got weird so I stopped talking to him