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Ever feel that we're getting way too much media entertainment and that it could be distracting us? - Printable Version

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Ever feel that we're getting way too much media entertainment and that it could be distracting us? - Tom - 04-23-2014 05:51 PM

Distracting us from what's important in life, which is real life - the dire world situation and the real people in it?

I find there's way too much entertainment to choose from, it spins me out because once i get on the media entertainment buzz I find myself anxious about missing out on the good stuff, or impatient to get hold of a certain game or movie asap, or waiting for that next episode of the walking dead or game of's all great fun but is it a weapon of mass distraction?

Thanks, I would normally ask for respectful answers but I doubt that'll happen so whatever, anything goes, hit me.

- Neil - 04-23-2014 06:05 PM

No, Entertainment comes, and goes depending on the Daily-Pressures.

We're a very High-Octane society, so we need a lot of relaxation to be able to handle it, and not burn out, when you move to a Country that is more relaxed, you will automatically see less dependency on entertainment(to stay sane)....

- nemesis - 04-23-2014 06:15 PM

I spend more time watching the news, documentaries, historical and geographical topics than simple entertainment 'stuff' and often feel embarrassed when my own grown up children seem to be so unaware of what's going on in the world.
On the other hand, they all work very hard and after a long working day are less than inclined to spend much time keeping up with so much DEPRESSING news - which they can do little or nothing to affect (and have little faith in incompetent politicians resolving either).
From the few minutes I might watch them, I certainly think the QUALITY of some of the entertainment programmes is brain-rotting and is mainly responsible for the alleged dumbing-down of younger generations, who rarely want to discuss politics, economics and world affairs.
I find it rather scary so many of them have the right to vote - on issures they are 'blissfully ignorant' of.
Which I suppose produces the sort of 'governments' we get.

- Stephen - 04-23-2014 06:23 PM

mass distraction while syria, ukraine, afghanistan ,iraq and so on are slaughtered and plundered!

- David H - 04-23-2014 06:32 PM

Yes - most people are becoming far to reliant on technology and are becoming like robotic androids -
on all levels of there lives - including media entertainment.....which has become 'brain numbing' with all the absolute 'rubbish' thats supplied by the media in general....with a few exceptions - but only a very few.!!

Little or no direct 'face to face' communication - people being brainwashed by these technology manafacturers with the brain required participation - just finger pressing our way through our day.

In 50yrs time (or less) this planet will be saturation with aimless 'zombie type' people - all wondering around with there 'heads down' working the latest technology contraption gadgets....requiring no effort from them - and taking no notice of the 'real world events'....not even caring - just what 'our political regimes' want - thus causing 'less trouble' for our political masters.

As the seniors often tell us - the days of out-and-about (fresh air etc) for the most part are almost over - people living in their own technology cocoons + Internet bedroom dwellers who are oblivious of whats happening around real life.

And the above is often referred to as the necessary 'progress and advancement' for the human race and the social societies we live in....god help us all.!!

- Mac - 04-23-2014 06:46 PM

It's all a part of the Information Superhighway. Today I could download and watch Academy Award nominated movies before the Academy Awards start, today I could see what is on the south side of the Black Sea, today I could sit on the train and search the world wide web. We are only right now at the beginning of the Super Highway, eventually there will be HDTVs that curve 180 degrees and so much more.