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Do I stay or go?! Can sleezy boyfriends really change? - Printable Version

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Do I stay or go?! Can sleezy boyfriends really change? - bee - 04-23-2014 11:38 PM

I'm 18 his 19.been together 8 months. The first couple months were rocky, social media got the best of us and both enticed people to get attention of another person. This became very obvious around the 2 month to eachother so I asked him about it yet he said he was texting girl 'friends' I knew deep down this wasn't true yet swept it under the carpet. I had to trust him, he was starting Uni, went on a lads holiday to amersterdam and went to Leeds. Howevsover time it got the best of me when things became more apparent to i retaliated and innocently spoke 2 boys. both learnt from out mistakes and 6 months in things got PERFECT,we were/are totally in love! Then on the day after our 8 month anniversary I found these texts, him begging to meet up with girls& telling him he missed them. I confronted him, he told me he HAD met up with a girl & planned to do so with others but never did actually did
Itime has passed and were both changed people, I've tempo dumped. WHAT DO I now? Feel a fool

- Timbo is here - 04-23-2014 11:40 PM

Move on and stoip playing silly immature games with people if you ever want to be happy

- shOrtie - 04-23-2014 11:46 PM

Walk away, you gave him his second chance and he p!ssed all over you. Don't let him take any more advantage of you. Learn from it and leave him to the miserable life he will have as he continues this behaviour.

- 158 - 04-24-2014 12:00 AM

Neither of you a ready for a true, and honest committed relationship. Stop playing yourself, move on.

- Rose - 04-24-2014 12:11 AM

Leave him thats the only thing to do otherwise he will think you can just be brought back and he will get a bad habit of cheating.