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Somebody hacking our Internet connection? - Printable Version

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Somebody hacking our Internet connection? - Edan - 04-24-2014 05:50 AM

Bit of a dilemma, we recently got Internet but sometimes it cuts out for up to 24 hours then comes back sporadically. The problem is it says we have Internet, the modem is fine but we do not have a connection to the Internet. We think someone's has hacked our modem or something because every time we turn on the modem, a new connection comes up called belken 2g, then when we turn it off, that specific wifi disappears. To further this, our provider who happens to be my father says while our Internet was not working, someone downloaded 160gb on the network. Could someone be hacking our wifi to boost theirs?

- Jack - 04-24-2014 05:53 AM

Is there a password for your router? if not i suggest setting one because people can "hot-spot" your wifi, which means that because you dont have a password they can connect to your internet and then use your connection. Also ring up your provider and explain the situation

- WiseOne - 04-24-2014 06:01 AM

You need to add an access key (like WEP) to your wireless settings. If your dad works for an ISP and knows anything, he should know that.

- florence - 04-24-2014 06:06 AM

Change your WEP key password.

- Roger - 04-24-2014 06:17 AM

Hotspot Shield could probably help with that.