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How to decrease page loading speed in Wordpress website? - Printable Version

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How to decrease page loading speed in Wordpress website? - Venu - 04-24-2014 08:48 AM

Wordpress is seo friendly site, so i installed a lot of plugins, then it's influence the webpage loading speed. So i removed un-used plugins and deleted empty tables in the database. A little bit speed increased.

But how to get normal stage and how to improve website's page loading speed?
Images is one of the biggest problems.

- Dorothy - 04-24-2014 09:01 AM

You can search in various search engine and get better answer.

- Smithy92 - 04-24-2014 09:11 AM

Sometimes, your webserver is an important factor to have a fast loading website. Example, websites that are hosted on a dedicated server or VPS tend to load faster than those which are hosted on shared hosting.

Besides the server, you can try cache plugin like w3 total cache, compress your images before uploading is a big help too. Update all your files so they are updated and can run with the latest wordpress files at ease too.


- Eliza - 04-24-2014 09:12 AM

Sometimes, your webserver is an important factor to have a fast loading website. Example, websites that are hosted on a dedicated server or VPS tend to load faster than those which are hosted on shared hosting.

Besides the server, you can try cache plugin like w3 total cache, compress your images before uploading is a big help too. Update all your files so they are updated and can run with the latest wordpress files at ease too.

- Emma - 04-24-2014 09:18 AM

I agree with the answers above - your web server may cause the problem. Check the information with your hosting - how fast is the server, where you host the website.
Feel free to change your hosting to the one which works faster.

- mjefferson96 - 04-24-2014 09:32 AM

You need to install a Lazy Loading plugin or lazyload. That allows your website to only load the images that can fit on the screen. So if you first load the site, only what fits on the screen will be loaded in to memory. If you scroll down more, then those image will be loaded as they scroll up your screen, but not before then, only when they are needed.

- Jake - 04-24-2014 09:37 AM

There are too many wordpress sites with 10 second load times, which has a detrimental effect on bounce rates and search ranking. Often the bottleneck is the separate mySQL database server, a caching plugin overcomes this to an extent, the w3 total cache plugin mentioned previously can offload your assets to Amazon AWS to provide faster data tansfer. The all-in-one-seo plugin is known to be a cpu hog, that some hosts ban, better to use a newer seo plugin design.
There are Wordpress optimized hosts that provide better load speed, but they are expensive.

- Sriram - 04-24-2014 09:46 AM

Minimize the usage of plugins, you can edit the code of your theme to get the functionality of those plugins. Use a WordPress plugin named "P3 Plugin Profiler" to identify which plugin takes too much resources and affecting page speed.
Your web host might be a problem. Dedicated and VPS servers have good server response time than a normal shared hosting provide.
You can reduce server response time by signing up to PageSpeed service. Find how to do that:

Images plays a vital role in page loading time. Compress it before uploading. Don't use Lazy load plugins, because your images will not be loaded if you are accessing your blog through a mobile.

Avoid using themes that has unnecessary elements and features.

Use W3 total cache or WP super cache, if your hosting provider allows you. Finally enable GZIP compression. It could be done by adding a piece of code in .htaccess file.

Hope these help Smile

- ? - 04-24-2014 09:56 AM

Have good hosting.
Test plugins with the P3 Performance Plugin.
Use SmushIt to reduce file size of images.

Read article below for more details

- Bilal - 04-24-2014 10:05 AM

i will increase loading speed of your site for $5