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What can I say to persuade people to visit my site? - Printable Version

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What can I say to persuade people to visit my site? - MrChittoChatto - 04-24-2014 10:01 AM

My site is on twitter and I have around 1,000 followers from following back but when I tweet saying 'If you have time please could you visit our site and leave a few questions, answers and reviews' nobody actually does. What could I tweet to make people want to visit my site? My site is called by the way.

- Tea - 04-24-2014 10:16 AM

People are fed up with endless requests for reviews, responding to questionnaires etc. Give them a reason for visiting - not a reason NOT to!

You might want to rename your site; that's not an inviting title - in fact is it very off-putting.

- Brady - 04-24-2014 10:25 AM

what is the purpose of your site? I see it is about making decisions. So think to yourself what is a decision that is pretty unanimous among your followers. For example, if you are about 18, then you and your followers (assuming they are the same age) will have to pick a college soon. So just post a tweet about that, and how this site helped you. Do not let them know it is your site, otherwise they will feel like they are being spammed.