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What is the best way to get traffic from blog sites? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to get traffic from blog sites? - Venkatesh - 04-24-2014 01:39 PM

Hi every one i started doing blogs but not getting traffic from there to my required area as i heard more traffic will be obtained from blog updations.
Can any one suggest my question on which area and at what aspects i need to concentrate for doing blogs.

Thank you.

- John Maddox - 04-24-2014 01:45 PM

There are many ways to increase traffic to your blog. Some of which take time, some of which can get quick results. Some are free, some cost money.

Couple of quick ideas for you.

Comment on other blogs - if you go find other blogs that cover similar topics as you, make GENUINE thoughtful comments about them and post links to articles you publish which are relevant to the readers of the article you are commenting on. Make sure to thing about content relevancy and over time you will gain additional traffic

Guest post on other blogs - many bloggers are looking for additional content. while in the inital stages you will be providing content to them, if they have traffic established already and followers of THEIR blog, if you are providing insight on a blog they already enjoy, and THAT blogger trusted you with a post, then you gain additional credibility. Not only from an SEO perspective but also new traffic and potential followers.

Use social media - if you are writing interesting articles that answer questions, provide valuable insight, experience etc, and there are many people looking for this kind of information, then you should Tweet your articles with a link to it. When you do this, also make sure to use # tags which people who are interested in your type of content will be searching for on Twitter. Over time, this will build a follower base in addition to potentially gaining retweets which provide exposure to people who would never have learned about you.

Those are just a couple of baseline things I would recommend. I hope this is helpful to you and I would also suggest you Google them and there is a tremendous amount of information out there on each on of these suggestions.

Best of luck to you!

- Naomi - 04-24-2014 02:00 PM

With respect to just your blog posts, this page has some great tips for gaining and holding viewer attention:

As for promoting your blog, these articles have a seriously helpful and diverse range of ideas as to how to optimize through your content and promote your blog with other wbsites:

Last of all, you may want to consider working with keyword effectiveness index (KEI) values to help you determine which keywords to concentrate on so as to optimize your blog. You can start doing some reading on KEI scores here:

Hope this helps, and good luck!

- Seo - 04-24-2014 02:15 PM


First of all make your blog interesting, post those content which are unique and informative, upload pictures and videos about your product.Make your blog interesting which convert your reader into your customer.Do blog commenting, Guest blogging and also promote your blog in social media site because of social media sites people gets more aware about your blog and of course your product......

Thank you...

- Mimosatree - 04-24-2014 02:16 PM

Submit your blog to blog directories and make sure you ping your blog after you write a blog post.

- Abdul - 04-24-2014 02:18 PM

One simple rule : Keep on posting new articles on your blog i.e. keep updating it at least 3 times a week. Then hyperlink these article to your main site and see the magic.

- ATUL - 04-24-2014 02:19 PM

Wordpress is the best way to get more traffic in Seo.If you have more knowldge about Seo. You shuld be vissit our bloger and minni website.