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Is the deep web illegal? - Printable Version

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Is the deep web illegal? - Tyler - 04-24-2014 06:20 PM

Hi. so i reeccently discovered the deep web. i use tor's app, orbot, on my phone. i'm not at all intersted in the services it says it has. i am more interested in finding more sites that google wont list. Am i doing any thing illegal??

- Stevö© - 04-24-2014 06:29 PM

There is nothing illegal about the deep web. Its like any other part of the Web depending on the sites. Its just its not indexed by search engines Web crawlers .

- 686 - 04-24-2014 06:44 PM

The deep web itself is not illegal. However, you have to be cautious about what places you visit and what you click on, as it is used by many for sharing and offering illegal activities and service (including hitmen, drug distribution, pornography of minors and animals, etc. Not stuff that you want to see or be associated with in any way).

Using it however, as means of talking to others without censorship from the government about the way things are run or similar matters is understandable. But the vast majority have no use for things like Tor and are really just arousing suspicions of themselves for doing so (I doubt you're posting this from Orbot are you? You're probably just on Chrome or something similar. The government now knows you have a reason of some sort to be hiding your activity, which in term makes them more suspicious. Be careful about the information that you share on the open web, next thing you know MK Ultra is knocking down your door).