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Facebook account deactivation question? - Printable Version

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Facebook account deactivation question? - hamid - 04-24-2014 08:25 PM

Hi there,
For some personal reasons I have to deactivate my fb account...
So, would my friend list gets empty after sign back in(I mean resend friend request to everyone)? Would I miss anything like, before posts tags photos etc..?
Also during the deactivation period, can anyone unfriend/block me?
Thanks in advance

- paperbag - 04-24-2014 08:27 PM

no, it won't get empty. pretty much everything will be the same as when you delete it, you won't get tagged in photos, it's like your facebook would freeze where it is. no one can unfriend/block you when it's deleted because it's like you don't have an account anymore (until you sign back in again)

- Max - 04-24-2014 08:42 PM

Deactivating your account will disable your profile and remove your name and picture from most things you've shared on Facebook. Some information may still be visible to others, such as your name in their friends list and messages you sent

Even after you deactivate, your friends can still invite you to events, tag you in photos, or ask you to join groups

- Bluebell - 04-24-2014 08:47 PM

Nope your friends list will still be there unless you delete them all or they delete you, it is harder for them to delete you as they can't find you in search so they will have to go through their friends list and find a blank picture and your name next to it but yes they can delete you this way. All your information will still be there but probably if you don't log in after about 3 months to a year I'm guessing you will no longer be able to get in to your account if you want it back so keep logging in every now and then or click this is temporary when deactivating it. No one can block you because no one can click on your profile.

- Bunny - 04-24-2014 09:02 PM

Hi Big Grin

I've deactivated my account before because of exams, and all it does it make it seem like you've deleted facebook book when you go back on it you have everything there. Your friends list will stay the same and the pages you've like and the posts you've posted will stay there. However some things that might go away are message history, and if your admins on any page you might be deleted there too. BUT when I deleted it, message history was still there and the page I administrate I was still a part of, so really thoset hings might go away only if you are deactivated for a REALLY long time Big Grin and also since it appears like you've deleted facebook, people won't be able to go on your profile, find you, or tag you on anything. Just like if you didn't have it at all Big Grin
Hope this was helpfull!!!! ^_^

- Prashanth Raj - 04-24-2014 09:07 PM

After Deactivation, no one can unfriend because you will not be visible to anyone and as soon as you activate the account .everything will be same as before.

- JhonnyJunior - 04-24-2014 09:23 PM

Delete Facebook and deactivating both are different process .

Delete Facebook account , it get's permanently deleted after 15 days


Deactivate Facebook will just make your account Temporary unavailable , to get back on fb you need to Re-login to your facebook .

Delete Facebook :
Deactivate facebook :