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Serious question right here? - Printable Version

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Serious question right here? - Sara - 04-25-2014 02:47 AM

My cousin got married and she has a child now, she's been married for like 2 years. I am friends with her husband on Instagram and all he does is like pictures of woman who are dressed absolutely inappropriately. He likes videos of woman shaking their behind and being very very slutty. I am very close to my cousin and I love her. But I don't know if I should tell her or not. He's being so disgusting. He's 27 and acts like an 18 year old kid who's exited to see stuff like that... I just need advice. Thanks x

- Patrick - 04-25-2014 02:53 AM

say something to some relationships woman don't care if men watch that or pornography because they know it does not mean anything....but say something to her just incase she is not ok with it

- jugggle - 04-25-2014 03:06 AM

ask him if his wife knows what he is looking at. it may ask as a warning

- southerngirl - 04-25-2014 03:23 AM

Yes, do the right thing and tell her!

- Blundt Cake - 04-25-2014 03:27 AM

You should warn him that his activities can be seen.

- DV-Ant - 04-25-2014 03:28 AM

You mind your own business.

- Rojina Aktar - 04-25-2014 03:29 AM

Would she REALLY be offended or disapprove if she knew?

Does she ever ogle male celebrities on social media/networking sites just for the fun or sake of it?

- sirjester099 - 04-25-2014 03:37 AM

Often times the messenger becomes the devils advocate when they do what they believe is the right thing

- Ashley Shaw - 04-25-2014 03:50 AM

Mind your own business. He is her problem. Not yours. Do not get involved in someone's marriage.