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what's up with my wireless? - Printable Version

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what's up with my wireless? - Cellidor - 04-25-2014 06:14 AM

Here's a peculiar situation. My wireless tends to cut out about 3-4 times a day, with the only option for fixing it being to go into device manager, and disable/enable the problem adapter. I've re-installed the drivers from the laptop's website, updated the bios, and similar solutions. Strangest of all, while I'm connected, the icon on the task bar tells me I'm connected via an Ethernet connection...when I'm using wireless only. Any ideas?

Relevant info:
Asus N53SN Laptop loaded with Windows 7 x64
Update 1 - I've attempted using a number of different wireless networks, and the problem has persisted across each, leaving me to believe it has to be an issue with the laptop itself.

- Leonid Volinski - 04-25-2014 06:23 AM

I've had a similar problem and i found that the problem is in the router. try to connect to a different wireless network and see if the problem remains.

- Zach Cribbs - 04-25-2014 06:33 AM

Yes Asus laptops have a problem with this and I learned it pretty fast although my windows 8 gaming laptop only did it once and I had to in install it and reinstall haven't had problems since. I suggest taking it to a nearby pc repair store like micrometer and having the wireless adapter replaced. If that doesn't work then I got nothing.