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bitch on instagram what do i do? - Printable Version

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bitch on instagram what do i do? - Bayley - 04-25-2014 06:51 AM

so i was on ig when i came across a justin bieber miley cyrus demi lavato and selena gomez fan page. think i should check it out i did (i love all of them #judgeme) when i saw a pic of miley in a pool with black makeup circling her eyes. it looked fairly creepy so i commented, ahhhh creepy eyes lol jk. we got in a huge argument over "why im not a real fan" she said i should be very afraid and that miley would be under my bed tonight and like the sarcastic bitch i am i said yay cant wait and she blocked me after she comment on all my pics saying things like, i bet you could fly to the moon and back with those ears. damn you neck so long i bet you dont even choke #slut, ugly bitch, what a sluty whore, #skankybitch, lol go die in a hole no one would miss you, and how many times have you gotten pregnant, slut? i blocked her but she keeps making more accounts what do i do/

- Ryan - 04-25-2014 07:03 AM

Block those as well.

- Jillian - 04-25-2014 07:15 AM

Report. Block. Mark as spam. Or if it keeps happening, delete your main account, and make a backup.

- Joshua - 04-25-2014 07:23 AM

just keep blocking her accounts you can only have a limited number of them Smile