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Why do I get nervous texting people? - Printable Version

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Why do I get nervous texting people? - Adrienne - 04-25-2014 08:27 AM

When someone texts me i get really nervous and it takes me a long time to reply because I never know how to respond. Im really awkward talking to people i never know how to keep a conversation going with someone. I never use facebook or twitter because i never know what to say on them. Whats wrong with me?

- Joe - 04-25-2014 08:30 AM

Just respond how YOU want to. I used to do this and realized it's because you don't want to upset anyone or come across in a bad light. It's hard to convey emotion via text and so it can be hard to find the right words that aren't going to be taken out of context.

- 567 - 04-25-2014 08:46 AM

It's probably because you're shy and what people say impacts you significantly. It's hard for you to say things because you wonder if you're good enough or if it'll make them think you're weird. Just be yourself! Smile