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What is Tiered Link Building in SEO? - Printable Version

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What is Tiered Link Building in SEO? - Rohan Singh - 04-25-2014 01:31 PM

And does it really helps in improving the ranking of website keeping in mind the latest Google Update. I am fresher in this field please explain in detail.

- Jake - 04-25-2014 01:45 PM

That sounds like having a small network of sites in various configurations, sometimes called rings, that feed "link juice" to one main web site, sites on the outer perimeter or tier, may receive more risky blackhat links, but passes on a more sanitary, sager link top the main site, if one of the support sites is deindexed for SEO spam, the main site is only moderately effected and can recover quite quickly from the lost link.

Search engines grow smarter at recognizing such configurations and with the advent of the many free social sites it doesn't pay to maintain all those sites on different IP addresses and complicated domain registrations to conceal the common owner.

This article warns against such incestuous links and other tricks.

- Vincent - 04-25-2014 01:50 PM

Tiered link building is the process of building backlinks to backlinks. Yes, it improves page rank as each tier improves the pagerank of the tier above it.

- Matthew Woodward - 04-25-2014 02:04 PM


I have created a dedicated tutorial series about tiered link building that you might enjoy.

Please feel free to check it out via the link below.

Feel free to ask me any questions if you get stuck

- Albert - 04-25-2014 02:14 PM

It's not a good option for seo