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How do I get around this parental internet block? - Printable Version

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How do I get around this parental internet block? - Cryptozooligist - 04-25-2014 02:59 PM

Ok so my parents can block off my internet access. Not sites, THE INTERNET. How do I get around this and get my internet freedom back? (They also block my phone access too) I have no idea how they do this.

- Brian Griffin - 04-25-2014 03:00 PM

you can go reset the router just use a paper clip there is a button and hold it down for 30 seconds then router is reset back to factory settings. Phone no idea

- John W - 04-25-2014 03:14 PM

Buy your own internet access.

A friend of mine used to use a Linux box as the firewall and would leave the root window open. If the kid learned how to use the iptables commands and scripting to figure out how his access was being restricted than he earned his access. At least till the next lesson in computers was presented.

- Loreen - 04-25-2014 03:24 PM

Your parents block your internet access because you have shown them that you can't be trusted or you are wasting too much time on the internet.

How do you get around this block? Well, you prove to your parents that you are trustworthy. You need to have a talk with them and set up a schedule of when you can go online so you don't abuse the privilege.

Whatever you do, don't go behind their backs. This will only cause them to lose all trust in you. Until you are on your own and pay your own bills, you need to listen to your parents.

- bhawani - 04-25-2014 03:41 PM

We highly recommend employing to be able to unblock web sites. I've been using them since 5 years.