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guy bestfriend help !!!!!!!!!!? - Printable Version

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guy bestfriend help !!!!!!!!!!? - Yasmin - 04-25-2014 11:19 PM

i have known my guy best friend for 4 years now & he is in my friend group with one other girl. I like him, but idk whether he likes me back? he makes eye contact so I know he's confident around me. we make each other laugh. he always pops up to me on Facebook and we usually Skype each other late at night

what can I do to signal to him that i like him? we are going on a school trip tomorrow and then afterwards going to have a takeaway with one other girl. what should I do to not make it obvious but to make it clear that I want to get closer to him? examples please!!

- Steven - 04-25-2014 11:27 PM

It sounds like you guys have some chemistry! I would definitely start flirting with him. Make an effort to sit next to him, compliment him, touch him (lightly) in a flirtatious way; but don't try TOO hard. Just when you think things are going GREAT, remove yourself from the situation. Don't play "hard to get," but definitely don't play easy to get.

Try that out on your trip, and if you feel things progressing then he will probably say something or make a move. If he doesn't, ask him if he is attractive to you. I would only revert to asking him if all else fails Smile

Good luck!

- Edward - 04-25-2014 11:29 PM

Just be subtle i hate it when girls come onto guys and be understanding if he says no that my main advice the other answer should be best answer

- Dara - 04-25-2014 11:44 PM

I think you should try to get closer to him slowly by trying to sit beside him a bit more often and talk to him a bit more often aswell. Dont come straight out about it because i doubt it will work and could make things awkward in the future. If you feel that hes into you then ask him to go somewhere with you and a couple of friends (preferably a boyfriend girlfriend couple as they will focus mainly on eachother and so you and the guy you like will be able to talk without constant interruptions). This could make a closer friendship between the two of you and could eventually lead to him asking you to go on a date with him.
I hope this helps. Good luck.