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Why my life love story end like this? - Printable Version

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Why my life love story end like this? - How - 04-26-2014 01:43 AM

i am a male. i wanted a girlfriend for myself. no girl added me on facebook. no girl accept my friend request .so i created fake account in the name of girl and girls started adding me as friend. I find one girl cute profile and started talking as a girl. she think that i am a girl. i started liking her and chatting her every night. i fell in love with her but afraid to tell her truth that i am a boy.
one day she asked me " do you like me as a person"?
I said "yes"
she asked " are you telling me this not to break my heart"
I said "No, you are best person in the world"
She asked "do you love me'?
i said "yes"
She asked " Would you still love me if I tell you i am a boy"?
I got confused and ask her what she mean.
She said that she is a boy and want to make friendship with girls and added me to be friend and fall in love with me.
i disconnect the chat and not logging in the account.
why this happened with me?

- Annabelle - 04-26-2014 01:50 AM

So somebody did the same to you, what you was doing to them.. Right... If you want a girlfriend get of your computer and go talk to them! Girls won't add guys on Facebook because we think they are creepy perverts! Delete the fake account and maybe delete your account go out and talk to girls isn't so hard!

- Mel - 04-26-2014 02:01 AM

THIS RELATIONSHIP ONLY WORKED WHEN YOU WERE BOTH MISREPRESENTING (LYING) YOURSELVES. When the truth became known, the relationship no longer worked, I presume, for either of you. Start over and follow the advice of Annabelle above.

- Abstrt - 04-26-2014 02:05 AM

Cool story bro.

- hoovarted - 04-26-2014 02:08 AM

Why did this happen to you?
It's a long story and you probably don't want the real answer... LOL!

- pot - 04-26-2014 02:17 AM

。。。。。so sad story。。

- Zaphod_Beeblebrox - 04-26-2014 02:23 AM

Karma, and well-deserved at that. You reap what you sew.

- Nameless - 04-26-2014 02:35 AM

i am a male. i wanted a girlfriend for myself. no girl added me on facebook. no girl accept my friend request .so i created fake account in the name of girl

~~~ Have you ever taken the awesome chance to exhibit your bravery and sincerity by actually talking to a real girl, face to face?
It sounds like 'bravery' and 'sincerity' have little meaning to you...

Perhaps all you want is a cyber-gf?
There are plenty of chat sites for that.
You won't even know that your 'gf' is a 69 year old male with a good imagination...
Like you might be someday...

Facebook dis! *__-

- forget me not - 04-26-2014 02:38 AM

Fake gets fake and you perhaps deserve this only though I am really sorry for you.

ever feel