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Will downloading Planetside 2 slow down my internet connection? - Printable Version

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Will downloading Planetside 2 slow down my internet connection? - Joshua - 04-26-2014 04:51 AM

As being referred to by a friend, I really want to play PlanetSide 2. My question is, however, I don't want to mess up my brand new AT&T U-Verse router, which is fast. PlanetSide 2 is 8 Gig Download. SO my question is, will downloading PlanetSide 2 Affect my router in any way, especially concerning speed?

- T-REX - 04-26-2014 05:07 AM

During download you'll loose some speed for sure. But when its completed, you'll get it back.
When I downloaded it via Steam, my speed was affected during download process (Which is perfectly normal) but after it was completed, the speed was normal.
This is what happened in my case...