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I think that I just won $1M off it SAIS issuing ticket what does this mean? - Printable Version

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I think that I just won $1M off it SAIS issuing ticket what does this mean? - Ryan - 04-26-2014 07:39 AM

- Michael - 04-26-2014 07:47 AM

They are giving you your money or ticket basically

- Carl - 04-26-2014 08:02 AM

better be real careful, a lot of these are scams, if they ask you to pay for something or send them any money at all for fee's or anything else then it is a scam, do not send money, see 419scams type in ilotto you will most likely see the same e-mail sent to someone else in this scam. be careful and check it out

- BILL - 04-26-2014 08:09 AM

It means that you have fallen for the oldest con on the internet.

DO NOT give them any money or your bank details.

Delete the message.