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Pay for extra internet? - Printable Version

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Pay for extra internet? - Matthew - 04-26-2014 08:14 AM

My dad just came into my room and told me we can't use anymore internet because apparently the people in the area I love only get a certain amount of internet, something like 300 gigabytes, and if you go over that you have to pay extra for the internet! I think he might've misheard whoever told him this or is just lying because he thinks I get on the internet too much, but do some places give you internet allowance and make you pay extra if you go over it?

- Ann - 04-26-2014 08:20 AM

YES!! Especially cell phones.

- Ti - 04-26-2014 08:29 AM

Absolutely especially Mobile Internet! Canada for example the most you can have is 2GB Data!

Even home internet services have limits!

In the early days it was unlimited now home internet offers up to 60GB or 100GB a month depends on Company and plan!

that's why we should never stop fighting for Net Neutrality

- Amy Lynn - 04-26-2014 08:37 AM

Yes. That really is true depending on who provides your internet.

- Ed G - 04-26-2014 08:52 AM

Yes many do limit it.You are talking about home service and I'm guessing cable.300gb is a lot.But now days a family with several users can go that high.Watching movies everyday could get you there fast.Try cutting down of the movies your family watches.You need to find out when you hit your limit.How many days are left in the month.If you used it up but most of the month is over,you will not have to cut much.If you used it up in 15 days your family is going to have to change it habits.I'm on the internet everyday and put in lots of hours but only use around 17gb. If I add a few movies a week that goes up to around 80 gb. One other thing watch your movies in SD not HD and this will save you a lot.

- DR Tech - 04-26-2014 09:04 AM

He is right, Comcast has started a 300gb limitation on their internet connections. And many more ISP's are likely to follow suit.

- Dominic - 04-26-2014 09:10 AM

It sounds like you're in one of Comcast's trial areas. The cable company increased their bandwidth limit to 300 GB per month and anything over that is charged at $10 per additional 50 GB. Here's a link to the story.

- Dominic