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On restricted profile. Can I tell him I know and ask him to delete me? - Printable Version

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On restricted profile. Can I tell him I know and ask him to delete me? - Sara - 04-26-2014 01:53 PM

He placed me on restricted on facebook. He talked to me and messaged me first. He was kind but things have gone horribly after.

I wished him happy birthday last week and pointed it out that its a message because I could not write on his wall. He evaded it.

Now I just hate having him on my friend list. I set it for some family members so know how it looks. Can I just tell him to delete me because I don't like feeling like a creep or if I've done something wrong.

He is someone I had a crush on but not anymore.

- me - 04-26-2014 01:56 PM

He's obviously not truly interested in you if he puts you on restricted profile. Quit chasing him and move on already. Just delete him and don't look back. You look desperate caring so much about someone who tosses you to the side