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could they reconise me on omegle??????? - Printable Version

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could they reconise me on omegle??????? - Corinne - 04-26-2014 06:47 PM

i was on web cam with a guy i didnt know
he asked me to show my boobs so i did without showing my face
later on i started to get distracted and i got very carried away so i was fully nakid and masturbating for him. still without shhowing my face or giving any personal details other than my age,

just as i was going to end the chat i accidently got a little bit of my face in the cam, i cant remebrr how much exactly but i knew it was enough to pull away fast. i cant even remember it has been a blur.

my worry is that he has videod the whole chat and will post it on social media.
he was nakid too and was doing it too.
he also moved his laptop so he can stand up and masturbate while it was on a surface otherwise i think it was on his lap so would it still be possible to video it when he was moving it?

i have been paranoid that he will put it on and someone will reconise me
i know it was stupid and i will never go on there again.

i cant remember how much of my face was in it but i dont think i even showed the top of my nose/eyes.

no nasty comments please i am really worried and scared.

thank you!!
thank you Inteligence, it was very helpful i didnt think of it like that.

Jack Jackson he was naked too so it will be silly to record himself too! and i know it was stupid i dont need you telling me!
can they still reconise me if it is less than or half my face. would it be possible. thanks again.

- Intelligence - 04-26-2014 06:58 PM

He's probably worrying the same as you, even if it is a stupid thing to do.

- Jack Jackson - 04-26-2014 07:01 PM

Yes, he can still record it, he could've used a screen recorder. You've only got yourself to blame.

- justposted - 04-26-2014 07:08 PM

If he doesn't know who you are, then I don't think you need to worry. There are millions of similar videos on the net. The chances of it being recorded, and him posting it, and somebody you know seeing it, and them recognising you ... are pretty low.

- ponatica - 04-26-2014 07:10 PM

online chat website that pairs random people from around the world together for webcam-based conversations. Visitors to the website begin an online chat (text, audio, and video) with another visitor. At any point, either user may leave the current chat by initiating another random connection.

- Hazel - 04-26-2014 07:14 PM

I'm going to answer your question, Because I done the same thing. I showed my face throughout the chat and then he asked me to show my boobs, But I only showed my bra. It happened three months ago I believe. But anyway, The point is, I gave myself panic attacks over it, And still do. What I done to help myself feel better was tell my best friend. Maybe you could too? Or maybe just go on omegle and search up tags of what you were wearing/looked like that night? Example: omegle, young girl, blue top, black hair ect.
Maybe tell your parents? Its optional, I didn't and nothing happened! You'll be fine! x Even if he does upload it, He can get in trouble with the cops for having child pornography! Hope I helped xx