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For the SEO Guru's/Specialist, What do you recommend? - Printable Version

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For the SEO Guru's/Specialist, What do you recommend? - Larry - 04-26-2014 07:00 PM

Just out of curiousity, I've started a blog, I have a website, youtube channel with a couple videos, numerous other social media outlets and such. I run through and do my social media work, seo work and everything but I feel as though I'm extremely chaotic when doing it. I'm just curious to see what kind of structure others are using. I'm having a hard time getting into a groove of that 'first do this, then this then this then this' mode. I seem to be more like 'do this.. then that over there, next I gotta do this over here or maybe that first..' mode. so basically here is my question:

Do you have an order for which you do seo/social media work in, do you run through facebook, twitter, google+, etc and make posts, then write some blogs, submit to search engines, what do you do?

Btw I am new to the SEO part of this, I'm a web developer/designer and have been doing it for a few years now but I have yet to find this 'seo to do list' for each day. for my site if you would like to contact me directly through the site that would be great too.

- vikalp - 04-26-2014 07:02 PM

First use Facebook ,Google+,twitter.
Write blogs then submit to search engines and then post at Social media.