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How can i remove someone using my WIFI ? - Printable Version

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How can i remove someone using my WIFI ? - Jhomel Morada - 04-26-2014 09:06 PM

I am playing some online game and it was fast. But when my mom gave them our wifi's password now when i play my game it was realy slow and laggy . (Sorry for my English )

- Praveen - 04-26-2014 09:10 PM

get into the hub manager( it depends on the model of router) its an ip for each hub...u can remove unwanted connection and also you can change the wireless password,n/w name will not take more than two minutes of your time.....

- Judy Mastos - 04-26-2014 09:19 PM

Change your WIFI password. it should be like(!@^%*(U&* )...

- 893 - 04-26-2014 09:28 PM

Change the wifi password.

- Sebastian - 04-26-2014 09:31 PM

You could activate the MAC-Filter on your router (add only your own devices). If you want to play your game activate the filter so that only the whitelisted devices can connect. After you're done you can deactivate the filter.