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What are the best ways to advertise my technology site? - Printable Version

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What are the best ways to advertise my technology site? - Brad H - 04-26-2014 10:04 PM

Currently I run a Technology site but I would like more traffic. What are the best ways of advertising it?
I already have Twitter, Facebook, Blogger and Youtube but none seem to be doing what I expect.
What can I do to boost ratings?

- Jake - 04-26-2014 10:07 PM

Publicize might be a better word?, advertise means to me paying for visitors which may only e profitable for a well optimized store site.

Sounds like your doing the right thing, all of those measure you've taken so far should also help your search engine ranking, I believe search engines are still the biggest source of tree traffic in most cases.

Here's a Search Engine Optimization primer by an SEO authority, too much of the stuff taught by others is out of date or simply inaccurate.

- leggs4no1 - 04-26-2014 10:22 PM

Here are a few things you can do to get more traffic to your website for free or cheap:

Traffic Banner Exchange. You have a banner, they have a banner. You have a tech site, they have a tech site. Create a home page rotator where you can advertise their banner (you can do more than one) or create a page on your website for "sponsors" or the like and place their banner their. People will see it and click their banner and visit their website, as well as see your banner on their site and click it to get to your website. This is a very old technique. And yet? Still works very easily. This should be free and no money should exchange hands.

Buy advertising on a relevant website: Try sites like BuySellAds, where you can purchase Ad Space on a website relevant to yours. I have done this many times and have gotten many visits and return visits from people that saw the advertising space on another website.

Article Marketing: This is and will always be a good way to get visitors and more importantly - backlinks. Write an article with good quality, include a title, body, keywords, html resource code, etc and send it a few top PR as well as low PR websites that allow articles like or - just make sure the PR is both high and low for Google reasons!

Create a YouTube account and create some videos: How to videos are especially good as well as review videos. You can include a link in your description to your website, as well as IN the actual video. Something like "To find out about more cool ideas like this one check out...." (your website).

Blogging: Please please please make sure you are blogging on your website! Not only is this a good way to get search engines to visit your website and index it and help with rankings, but it also keeps your visitors coming back for more and more. Would you revisit a website with the same old information or a cool website with new information every few days? I would rather visit an updated website any day!

There are a few to help you out. But, beyond doing website promotion, make sure you are doing SEM and SEO as well.

- Damien - 04-26-2014 10:25 PM

Video content