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Should I take this a ignorance or a form of race paranoia? - Printable Version

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Should I take this a ignorance or a form of race paranoia? - Leah - 04-27-2014 01:42 AM

I was having a discussion with my flat mate Louisa of my movie night with my friend Zoe who is Middle Class English girl, who pretty much lives in a bubble but she is nice girl, so I was just discussing how her reactions were towards my other friend who is big black urban boy who was also at my movie night. the black boy is also from middle class background.

Anyway's I was telling the story in a joking way, and my flatmate Louisa has had more experiences with people of different cultures, although her school was middle class school, she experienced some urban culture, so she asked in the middle of story I was telling her "why do black people treat white people so different" which at the time I had thought on that question finding it strange.

I think that question was ignorant as I've experience here in the UK, white people are often treating people of colour as "others" or as if their ways are normal and better, practise institutional racism, which is personal, keeping people segregated then when they see something they like such as food, music, entertainment it becomes we're all one people,

Now this is not how majority of White people act or think, I don't believe you can ignorant due to skin colour but its due to upbringing, beliefs, environments and so on.

- Incongruous - 04-27-2014 01:51 AM


The eyes are mirror of the soul

Colours do not exist, they are mental constructs of iridology.
Words like race and ethnic are subjectively derived, contemporary cultural constructs which can be used to subjugate (Divide the minds of formatory thinkers), an adjunct even, a "Social Tag"

I hope you find happiness, or better still, "love"

We know small hole hunting goes on amongst all the so called races.
Or visa versa, "I'll go with him because he'll appreciate the smell and give good sex"

I guess some lead with their nose and some lead with their heart (These things are reciprocally mirrored)

"Ring a ding ding,
Look at ma bling
And look at ma Ting kids

You know you can't have a relationship
Without a big spring"

Hmmm! But to the contrary.

When we call into coffee shops we find that different coffee shops sell different sized medium cups and different sized large cups, I mean hell, some are like buckets.
What does this mean?
- Nothing

So why then do we call back into the same coffee shop?
- Because we love what's inside the cup!

Good luck