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I have done all SEO but I am still not receiving any traffic from image searchengines.Why? - Printable Version

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I have done all SEO but I am still not receiving any traffic from image searchengines.Why? - salman - 04-27-2014 05:16 AM

I am running a photography site and I have done with alt text and caption and much more. But still I never got a visit from Image search engines. My site has PR 2.

- Jake - 04-27-2014 05:21 AM

I have to believe it's in part the overly clever interface, you can't click a link until you roll over something, the search spiders may not be able to expose the links to inner pages (I didn't peek at your code) you absolutely need a site map (I didn't check) providing an alternative, conventional menu link based main menu may be wise, perhaps activated with a "Simpler Menu" link.

Your other big issue is there appear to be no text attributes assigned your individual image pages, Google Image Search is based on identifying keyword phrases that match an image, generally based on the file name and the alt text of the image, your example:

The file name: DSC00049-700x525.jpg

Aside from using descriptive file names and alt text to indicate what the image is, the anchor text in a conventional Simple Menu also provides one more descriptive keyword that might be associated.

EDIT - I had been examining the actual image in a window and not your post page for the photo, I seen the embed image line in wordpress looks like:

<img class="attachment-single-thumb wp-post-image" width="667" height="600" alt="graveyard" src=""></img>

And does have an alt text "graveyard" which should be helping ranking a bit, again I believe you have control of the file name when you first import the image into the wordpress assets. (Unlike some systems like facebook where you are stuck with their cryptic file names) the text appearing on the same page as the image may or may not have an effect on the search matches in image search. (Providing the spiders are getting to your pages)
The right tracking software like Google analytics should show you where the spiders have been, after you get good at identifying these search agents.

- Jack - 04-27-2014 05:32 AM

make a sitemap for your website.
the image name should not be like dsc00000.jpg but it should be title of the project .
like glass photography etc.

- Mark - 04-27-2014 05:34 AM

From a quick glance around your site:

I would try to include more text content on your home page that is immediately visible to the viewer (without having to click or hover on anything.

It may also be beneficial to create more pages, rather than have everything happening on the home page. Currently when you click the scroll button you stay at the same url. This means that the content that is then loaded is probably not accessible to search engines.

Try to make sure your site is more crawlable. You can keep the current navigation if you want, but include a plain HTML/CSS alternative that allows users to browse all of your catalog.

Also, to get search engine traffic you need to start the ball rolling with some traffic generation. Link building and social media (particularly pinterest given your niche) will be the best ways to start.

Try targeting blogs that your target audience might read. So for instance, you could target travel blogs and write about how to get better travel photos.

Here's a comprehensive guide to link building with guest posts that you might find helpful:

Oh and one final thing, don't forget your other on-page SEO stuff. The page title on your home page is a bit basic, you can write upto 70 characters (for Google) so make the most of them.

Your meta_description is too long though. This should be no more than 155-160 characters. Again, make them count.

Hope that helps!

- 759 - 04-27-2014 05:48 AM

I will make this short and simple for you...

1-pagerank really means nothing, ignore that as a factor
2- you have set the foundation with optimizing your site so move now to the more important and hard task..
3-you need backlinks from other sites. The best is to get good quality links from related sites where they actually link the keywords you have optimized your pages for to the landing page on your site.
4-update your content. search engines like to see that things are changing.
5-link within your own site with specific keywords.

- Hal Smith - 04-27-2014 05:54 AM

Do you have a photography page? Look at the fan pages other photographers are doing. Once you have an established page link back from the page to your site. It will help a lot.

Hal Smith | URLdreamer Consultant

- Cooper - 04-27-2014 06:08 AM

You need to use other tools such as blogging and social media to drive traffic. Your website does not have enough value content to make someone want to stay and read or click links.