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Is it a Really good Idea to become an Affiliate for Amazon? - Printable Version

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Is it a Really good Idea to become an Affiliate for Amazon? - Jesus - 04-27-2014 08:06 AM

There are people that make money with amazon while others dont.

thank you!

- 370 - 04-27-2014 08:08 AM

You won't make any money.
How about a real job. Pizza Hut is hiring.
Now... if 50 cents a day will make you happy - then give it a try.

- Jake - 04-27-2014 08:21 AM

As you say: "There are people that make money with amazon while others don't."

In general the great majority of people who try to make money on the internet fail. Actually having business management and marketing experience helps as does some smarts and a high degree of determination.

Those making money treat it as a business, crating sites with useful original content as well to earn search ranking and traffic, having the scrips or tech skill to use Amazon data feeds to populate catalog pages speeds the process. Though the commissions are low Amazon has around 10% conversion rates.

- yep95821 - 04-27-2014 08:28 AM

You can make money, I have made some, but it all depends on how much time and effort you're willing to put into it. Put it this way, you're not going to make job killing income from a site or two based around selling Amazon products. In order to make serious money, you would have to put in several hours per day, building multiple sites and building a ton of backlinks to those sites to get your product pages to rank.

I should clarify that last point. I HAVE built product pages and started ranking immediately, without any backlinks. Depends on the competition for those keywords and your SEO (search engine optimization)

It also makes a big difference on what products you choose to promote. Do your keyword research before you start, and find some nice products that don't have a ton of competition, so ranking will be easier. SEO optimize your landing pages and backlinks.

After you get going, many of these tasks can be outsourced online fairly cheaply. That's when things can really take off, because then you're leveraging your time even more.

Some basic steps are:

1) Do keyword research, find some products with decent prices and not too much competition.
2) Buy a domain name to base your site on, preferably with your main keywords in it.
3) Build a niche type site around some of those products, hopefully with some kind of general theme. You can build a static site, which I used to do, but lately i've been using Wordpress which is much easier, and easy to optimize with the "All In One SEO Pack".
4) Start building backlinks to our main home page as well as your product pages.

Hope this helps.


- zaquisimone - 04-27-2014 08:42 AM

Amazon is not a bad place to be an affilliate with. You just need to make sure you target products that are trending up. Write quality reviews of the products at high ranking article submission sites. Amazon pays out 4-15% depending on how much you sell.

So I would suggest try to push those Items selling for $150.00 or more. At least this way you will make almost $10.00 on every sell. Making money with amazon is not easy but it can be done and if done right you have the potential of making good money.

You can also get paid by Google through their ad sense program. Here's a link for more info