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Should I ask for his number again? - Printable Version

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Should I ask for his number again? - ThatSiren - 04-27-2014 11:35 AM

I moved Sophomore year to a school where everyone knows everyone. Although I've had class with him since school started, I only noticed this guy sometime around December 2013 (Months after school started) when I realized how smart he is. He's not really popular, but he's known most of these students since Kindergarten. He's never had a girlfriend, no one dislikes him, but he doesn't have many close friends either...

*A couple weeks after talking with him, I asked if he has a cell phone
(Implying I want his number of course!) He blushed but said no *

What teenager doesn't have one these days?
Maybe he isn't/wasn't into me.
Maybe he only gives it to close friends.
Maybe he didn't know his number.
The popular guy asked for his number once, and he hesitated saying "Um..." and ended up not giving him the number. (But then again I was there (But he didn't seem to notice me.)!)
He mentioned going to his best friend's house but his friend said he's sick at home. (How could his friend tell him? Exactly.)

His friends that I know don't have his number
He doesn't use social media cites. Ever.
I (Nor his classmates that I know) have never seen him with a phone. Ever.

Yeah. I think it's still a lie. Anyways, we've been talking everyday since then (So it's been almost 4 months) and a lot people (Okay, like 3, but they know him pretty well) say he's into me.
I'm the only one in our classes that he voluntarily talks to and smiles& says hi to in the hall.
Also, I've walked with him to the front of his house before (not far)& he told me likes talking to me.
That was the only time he and I hung out a bit outside of school and he's never done any typical flirting.
I'm standing out from the other girls b/c he says hi to me as soon as I walk in class every day, and he's complimented me twice before. (He rarely compliments anyone! Smile
I asked him once if he thinks it's right that guys are supposed to initiate everything (Pay for dinner, ask her out, propose..etc.) and he doesn't mind. SO WHY CAN'T HE INITIATE THIS?? )':
AND STILL I dread over the day months ago that he rejected my number. :/
Do you think I should try again? Do you think he's interested?

- Aleah - 04-27-2014 11:41 AM

Ask him if he has a facebook. It's kind of hard to believe someone doesn't have a phone but okay. Maybe you shouldn't overlook into it either. Maybe he was just too shy. You said he blushed. If he rejects the facebook thing then stop asking him for ways to get in contact with him again. Maybe he's interested. Maybe not. Just continue being your normal friendly self.

- Rebecca - 04-27-2014 11:56 AM

Well maybe he was shy at first but now that you know him better and he knows you, maybe he will give it to you if he does have one. Besides he said he likes talking to you so why wouldn't he like texting you.