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Where to do Online Marketing/Advertising? - Printable Version

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Where to do Online Marketing/Advertising? - Pavanravikanth - 04-27-2014 04:29 PM

I Know Googls's Adwords(SEO,SEM), Bing and Yahoo Networks, 7Search, PPC, AdGridWorks, Press Release etc. Are there any other Top Online marketing Service Providers? I'am surprised there are only three companies in world to provide Online Marketing and all the three are having Search Engine...We will usually have many business in certain sectors. But, only three in Online Marketing!!!. Anyone Please Explain...

- Jake - 04-27-2014 04:31 PM

Search engines deliver some of the best converting prospects by enabling you to advertise your Dog Training service to someone who is actively searching for Dog Training.

Facebook and Plenty of Fish can provide pretty large ad impression volumes, rather than targeting keywords you can specify user demographics lifted from their profile information.

Real Time Bidding is a growing way to utilize remnant banner space on multiple ad networks, sitescout and ClickCertain are a couple of examples that bid on each individual ad impression on your behalf, they seem most effective for reaching lots of people with ad retargeting.