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I refuse to put my child's picture on social networking site. Do you think I'm wrong? - Printable Version

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I refuse to put my child's picture on social networking site. Do you think I'm wrong? - Heather - 04-27-2014 05:41 PM

So I am 12 weeks pregnant, very excited. My fiancé and I are having a disagreement about putting our baby's/sonogram pictures on the internet. (Facebook,twitter,Instagram,etc.) I just don't feel comfortable doing this AT ALL. I don't think people I don't even commutate with should just be able to see a picture of my child. Also with screen shooting these days people can just have pictures of my child of there phone without my knowing, sending it to god knows who! And I don't think anyone should be seeing my sonogram pics besides me, my fiancé, and loved ones. I just don't feel it's right at all. Do you think I am wrong??

- Livvie - 04-27-2014 05:46 PM

I know a couple who refuses to put their kids on facebook, if it makes you uncomfortable don't do it. Email people who want to see inside, or show them in person.

- Bobbi - 04-27-2014 05:56 PM

Good for you. I have the grnadkids up on Facebook. BUT - I check privacy settings all the time, and viewing the photos are restricted to only certain people.
But sadly, even some friends are clods and will take pix of your lil one at a party, and post all over their social media sites - and some of these friends just do not bother with privacy settings.

- Brent G - 04-27-2014 06:07 PM

I agree with you.
Dr. Phil did this episode a while back with pageant moms and as a public service he hired a guy to go through the moms' social media sites that they thought were private and copied pageant pics of their young daughters and compiled a site glamorizing the girls.
Eventually, as Dr Phil hoped, pedophiles (not sure if actual ones or just people acting) found the site and were putting up sexually explicit comments about the young girls.

The point here being that since the mothers put the pics up, since the pics were not of an explicit sexual nature, and since they were not profiting from the was 100% legal.
The mothers, needless to say were shocked, but got the message loud and clear.

Hope that helps.

- Mr Mackey - 04-27-2014 06:16 PM

"I don't think people I don't even communicate* with should just be able to see a picture of my child"
Its pretty obnoxious of you to assume acquaintances care that much about your future kid.

"so with screen shooting these days people can just have pictures of my child of there phone without my knowing, sending it to god knows who"
So? Is that going to harm them somehow??

"And I don't think anyone should be seeing my sonogram pics besides me, my fiancé, and loved ones"
A fuzzy picture of a fetus is not some precious artifact.

its not that serious, get over yourself

- menykats - 04-27-2014 06:26 PM

No, I don't think you are wrong. I think you are absolutely correct.

- Miss Amber - 04-27-2014 06:31 PM

I too do not put my children's photos on Facebook, I once saw a news special where an amateur hacker (not pro) used one photo of a volunteer's child and was able to locate her address, which bedroom in the house was probably hers, which school she went to, and which park she played in after school. You wouldn't know I had kids by looking at my Facebook photos.