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How do I get advertisements off of my email? - Printable Version

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How do I get advertisements off of my email? - 871 - 04-27-2014 07:32 PM

My email account is hindered by the advertisements on the rifght side of the mail I cannot read my mail because it cuts off the words. I would like a solutuon to this problem.

- Padma - 04-27-2014 07:36 PM


We cannot get rid of any of the Ads as they are paying to Yahoo to display them. If you like, you can pay for "Ad Free" mail for $49.99 per year.

If you choose not to pay, you can view your emails in Google Chrome browser. There are no ads on this browser as of now!

Some users are suggesting to get "Ad-Block" along with Chrome / Firefox / IE latest version. I cannot suggest anything about it as I am not aware of this program!

Best Regards!

** If you need any clarifications, please click on PENCIL icon located below to your Question to include ADDITIONAL DETAILS.

- Rahul Sharma - 04-27-2014 07:46 PM

The answer given by Padma is wrong. There is a Firefox Add-on which makes your Yahoo Mail really equivalent to the 'Ad-free' version, and it's Free! Just install this, it not only hides those obnoxious ads, but also expands your mail viewing area.
Yahoo Mail Hide Ad Panel ( )

The right-side ad bar/banner should be completely and permanently removed.