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Why isn't Quizilla working properly? - Printable Version

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Why isn't Quizilla working properly? - Megan - 04-27-2014 07:51 PM

I know this site has had (and still has) many troubles, but for the past three days it's been difficult getting on. I mean, I CAN get on, but it takes, like 5 - 10 minutes every time I click on something for that site. Every other website has been fine except Quizilla. I've deleted my history (to see if it helped), refreshed my page, restarted my laptop, messed with the wifi, and still nothing seems to be working. Are they doing maintenance on it, or is there something wrong with my laptop? It just aggravates me how long it takes to do stuff when it hasn't done this before.

- Eric - 04-27-2014 07:59 PM

because it stinks

- Matt - 04-27-2014 08:06 PM

If other sites are working fine then its an issue on their end, not yours. Most likely overloaded servers or maintenance.

- 979 - 04-27-2014 08:15 PM

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one this is happening to. However, I do not know what the cause is; only that about two to three days ago the site's speed slowed tremendously. It's difficult to not only access the site, but doing leisure activities such as surfing, answering messages and even posting content has become tedious in recent days because of this. I wonder if this is one of QZ's infamous mishaps, remember back in 2010 when the site couldn't be accessed for a week? Or in 2011 when half of everyone's content was erased? This might be one of those times...