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How can I end the sadness? - Printable Version

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How can I end the sadness? - hugeDesperado903 - 04-27-2014 10:22 PM

My ex boyfriend married and I feel too sad. He gave me too many words and he didn't keep none of them. Now he has his life and I feel sad when I think he is having his happy life after all he did to me.

Many of my friends told me I have to be happy for him, or don't think about him. But the way he treated me and gave his words to me and didn't keep his word, bothers me a lot.

I feel he was very inhuman. How can I end all this sadness as he doesn't worth wasting my time for such selfish person?

- john - 04-27-2014 10:29 PM

Well just stop thinking about him and just make yourself busy in some work and just try to share your feelings with your close friend, just try to move on from there and think some negative points of him so it will help you to get over from him...

- Pick This - 04-27-2014 10:31 PM

How to move on from your ex:

Remove Old Photos: Make sure there are no photos of you and your ex lying around the house. You could be having a great day and then all of a sudden go into a drawer and find a photo of the two of you hugging in a swimming pool. While you may not have gotten sunburned at the pool, you might have gotten burned by your ex and you don't need to be reminded of it. Pack up all of the photos and put them in a box far away from any place you could stumble upon it. Save cell phone pictures to a folder in a location you never or rarely go to.

Go New Places: Going to the same restaurants, cafés and coffee shops that you went to with your ex should be off your radar. It's best to find new places with new faces. Don't go into places where they know you as a couple when you want the world to now know you as a single person.

Remove Cell Phone Reminders: Delete any old voicemail messages or texts from your ex. That birthday text message your former partner sent you last year might have been cute then, but if you stumble upon it now it loses its luster. Clear out your inbox and make room for all the new messages and possibilities.

Select New Music: Don't listen to songs that remind you of your ex. There's nothing like making an effort to put your ex out of your mind and then the song that played when you started dating starts up on your iPod. Clear the decks and make a new playlist.

Login to Your New Life: The Internet probably contains many reminders of your ex. Your Facebook may need the biggest clean-up. Head in there and delete any photos with both of you together. Also, the friends that went over to your ex's side of the fence once the split happened should be unfriended immediately.

Think Positive Thoughts: It's not just physical things that can remind you of your ex. Thoughts that we have can change our outlook on life, so think positively. Don't remind yourself of all of the things your ex did that you couldn't stand. Instead, be positive and focus on all of the things you're going to achieve in your new life.

Make Notes of Your Progress: Write down the progress that you're making as a new single person. Get a journal and put down your thoughts as they come to you. List where you've been and where you're headed. This will keep your eye on the prize -- happiness.