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My volume keys on my dell laptop do not work? - Printable Version

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My volume keys on my dell laptop do not work? - 507 - 04-27-2014 10:25 PM

when i click the volume up and down keys they just go to full screen.

- almagor - 04-27-2014 10:29 PM

Are the volume up/down keys by chance on the F11 and F12 keys?

Are you holding down the Fn key while you press them (usually at the bottom left of the keyboard near Control, Windows, Alt)? If you don't hold down the Fn key the button you press will be the regular buttons. (For example, in Google Chrome, F11 makes the page full screen, F12 displays the code used to make the page.)

If you are holding that button down, I would search Google. Something like "volume buttons don't work Dell [model name]"