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Is google going to kill SEO? - Printable Version

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Is google going to kill SEO? - flateye574 - 04-27-2014 10:25 PM

After so many update what google want. Is they going to kill off page seo. And what is the future of SEO.

- Minister of Truth - 04-27-2014 10:33 PM

That's impossible.

But seo-ers have to keep up w/ Godzilla Google's changes.

Google does what's best for their profits, and if that wipes out many users' pages, they think, too bad.

- Richard - 04-27-2014 10:38 PM

Google does not want to kill seo, Only SEO techniques are changed. It wants to give useful information to users. In my opinion, if you do content marketing and social media optimization, then automatically you would get keyword ranking.

- Manav - 04-27-2014 10:40 PM

google kills seo every 5 months its no big deal just adapt with their new changes

- Ankit - 04-27-2014 10:42 PM


- Reba - 04-27-2014 10:48 PM

Google won't kill SEO as this is ultimately how pages are ranked and indexed in search engines. As long as there are search engines, there will be SEO. However, SEO is an ever evolving practice since search engines use ever evolving techniques to ferret out valuable sites for readers. If you don't adapt your SEO practices and sites to address the changes, then you won't succeed in the current environment.

Professional SEO companies stay abreast of the latest changes and impacts and can help you update your site to ensure it stays at the top of the search results pages. They can also help you manage your online reputation.

- Aditya - 04-27-2014 10:52 PM

The content marketing and social media is main part of the seo to improve your page rank.