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Mother in law post on Facebook how she "loves us"? - Printable Version

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Mother in law post on Facebook how she "loves us"? - Peaches12 - 04-27-2014 10:26 PM

My mother in law has seen our daughter maybe 2hrs worth since August. She seen her for Xmas, then for a short visit in February.
She post all these things about how much she loves my husband, saying his first & middle name. Then she post stuff about how great it is to be a grandma. & has even misspelt our daughters name.

Do I say anything?
All her friends comment things like "wow I bet your a great grandma" & how my daughter is "so lucky to have her"

I asked her a month ago to really start to make an effort in our lives before our second child is born. She contacted us once via text at 11:45pm & never answered the message back

- â™  Merlin â™  - 04-27-2014 10:34 PM

what is it you are thinking of saying?
she can love you and not see you often

you said you asked her to make an effort and she hasnt
i would leave her to get on with it
nothing she says or does reflects badly on you
why let it bother you?

- Pearl L - 04-27-2014 10:43 PM

she might be doing that for attention

- angel - 04-27-2014 10:51 PM

It's just Facebook. It's not legal papers or a legal document. It's a place here people go to see what their friends or family are up to, as well as starting gaming challenges and posting your feelings publicly - like going to the malt shop and trying the pumpkin spice shake with warm banana bread on the side, or what they did at your workplace, painting the walls pink with new lime green polka dot furniture. People are putting too much effort in it to begin with, it's a fun place to visit, see what people do on their vacations, read funny stories and poems, but when it comes down to it it's like a rag magazine for the not so famous.

Would you post your home address, kids full names, birthdays and social security numbers, private or personal information for all to see? Not really. It's like a hight tech gossip column. Your mother in law can post she applied for the astronaut program and will be the first grannie in space, but it doesn't mean it is true. Most people know that. Maybe she feels guilty for not visiting or coming over but would never admit it - so she posts how wonderful her grandkids are.

Your choices are ignore her or block her if she is making up stories about you or your family - if she starts something up, either report her or block her if she bothers you that much, other than that its a free country - if she wants to fantasize let her, you and your husband know the truth.

Good luck