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Today is my birthday and each year I feel like a bigger loser than last year because no one ever remembers? - Printable Version

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Today is my birthday and each year I feel like a bigger loser than last year because no one ever remembers? - Vulgarman368 - 04-27-2014 10:31 PM

I always see everyone else's facebooks blown up for their birthdays. 50-100 people will comment on everyone else to say happy birthday. Me? Each year is the same ... My mom, my aunt, and my 3 sisters. It's not that I'm not grateful that theyre are a few people who know and care, it's not that. It just makes me feel like a huge loser and extremely unpopular when I see others walls become all happy birthdays and mine never does. I'm not looking for attention but once a year it's nice to be remembered! Yesterday at work was someone else's birthday and they made a huge deal about it. My boss bought her donuts and put signs up all over the building. They didn't even mention my birthday being the day after, they didn't mention it at all. I'm going there in a few minutes and I'm anxious to see if anyone there remembered too. Because I did mention it last week AND we each have a copy of a list with all staff birthdays. I guess my question here is, does anyone else ever feel like this???

- Butterfly - 04-27-2014 10:38 PM

I did feel like that few years back. My sister who is 6 yrs younger than me taught me the biggest lesson. "Don't wallow in self-pity". Yes! Stop bothering yourself on things that are all fake. Wishing someone on their birthday is not that great. Just socialize with people and move on. It is more important to meet the right kind of people in life. Anyway "Wishing you a very happy birthday. May God bless you"

- Esmina - 04-27-2014 10:40 PM

I know how you feel. My facebook account isn't the prettiest sight on my birthday either. I get only a few happy birthdays. Even though I make sure that i don't miss anybody else'. And my birthday is never a big deal either. Last year, we just had breakfast, I went to school, came back studied, and went to sleep. The only people who remembered to wish me were my Mom, my best friend and my sister (But she forgot at first). Every singly one of my classmates forgot despite the fact that I greet them without fail every year. And my situation is somewhat similar. When it was my best friends birthday, they seemed to have rented a hall and partied like someone was getting married. Yet I didn't even get a present from my mom (But she was too busy. Not like I can blame her). So I just screwed it. I'll celebrate my birthday by myself!! Who cares!! Buy a cake and eat it!! Nothing better!! But now we know that there are other people like us, eh?

- Baby gal - 04-27-2014 10:49 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! For me it does not really matter because I would rather be wished by the people who really care about me, rather than have people I don't even know I have on Facebook wish me a happy birthday. I can kind of relate in the sense that I remember everyone's birthday's birthdays (as long as you told me sometime in the past) and thanks to the birthday updates on Facebook, people will post things like: "OMW!! You didn't tell me it was your birthday!! Anyway, happy birthday love" And I am like I am always complaining that I can't have a party because my birthday is 20 days before Christmas and just after school closes, but you don't even remember my birthday?!" (That was on my wall for my last birthday) I just learned to let it go and move on because the people who matter will remember and those that don't...oh well. Good for them. But not everyone thinks of birthdays as so important.