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Can I be a security guard? - Printable Version

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Can I be a security guard? - Alex - 10-15-2012 09:03 PM

To be a security guard in Tennessee there is a law that I need help understanding?

Okay to be a security guard in Tennessee it says "No convictions in the last 5 years and that includes being on probation"

Okay the judge and lawyer and everyone says I was never convicted of anything.


For more details of my past record thing.


But i did take a "first offenders" thing and just got done with probation this year. nyways long story short it's over with now and is supposed to be expunged and the arrest record sealed.

I got arrested for saying "i'm going to kill Allen today" on facebook back years ago when I was 17. Allen is my older brother. I obviously didn't mean it. He used my shirt that day and got it all dirty without telling me when i was at a friends house and when i found out I was still over there so I just posted it on my status section and some idiot thought i was literally going to kill my older brother. my brother commented on it with "lol u mad bro?" and I typed "wait till I get home". Anyways that was enough to get me arrested. I was stupid and didn't fight it because i just did the first thing that they said would get me out of jail so i signed all the papers they gave me. I told them i wasn't serious and so did my brother and they said they understand and they ere going to work with me. basically sign the papers and i can get out of jail and the charges will be expunged and i won't have a convicted record and probation was there way of keeping an eye on me. so i signed it.

I'm 22 now btw so this was 5 years ago.

I've used a few criminal background checks on myself and could not find my name anywhere. I used those sites to look for other people I know who have criminal records and there name came up so I know it's a legit site that works. they also said because i was a minor or under 18 that my name wasn't released to the public news or media or anything.

so can i be a security guard now? they told me i could do anything that a normal free person can do. even be a full blown police officer but if I did that I woulds still need to tell them about the arrest and they still could use that against me because you have to have a perfect record and even though my record is clean to the public it would still show that it was there and was expunged. i've got some credits in criminal justice and i'll be getting a diploma soon in it.
I'm thining maybe if I do 5 or 10 years as a security guard I can maybe either become an armed security guard or work as police.

other than that thing on facebook i've NEVER had ANYthing else on my record, never been stopped for any traffic violations or anything. just s stupid comment on my facebook page by me.
Not to mention if it counts for anything my teachers in school thought/think I'm a hard working good kid/adult. And I have a friend that's a security guard and he said he would put in a good word for me. I've known him for years since highschool and stuff. And he's been there for like 3 or 4 maybe 5 months so far and has a reputation for being a good honest worker.

Am I screwed for life or is there a chance I could do what I've always dreamed of doing? Yes i've always wanted to be a security guard for a long time ever since I saw them riding around in the golf cart as a kid.
I know that's what I thought.
That's what I tried saying when they questioned me over it. I stupidly admitted it was me who said it and told them it's freedom of speech. But they said threats aren't protected under the 1st amendment which is stupid because I wasn't serious!
Now that stupid crap could mess me entire rest of my life up.
So if I did tell them or they did know about it would that effect me getting hired?

And I didn't know people can check to see if someone served on probation or not. Where do you go check to see if you can see records of people on probation?

- Adam - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

You're kidding me? You got arrested for that? People say that all of the time. We live in such an insane world. It's called, "A figure of speech".


- Demosthenes - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

Since you were a minor then the record would be sealed. If your record was expunged then its like it never happened you don't even need to put it down when applying for a job.

- kyle - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

you got arrested.
you were on probation.
you can't hide these facts - while they might not be able to see what you were arrested for, they'll still be able to tell that you were and that you have a record of serving probation.

the above posters are wrong - even if they hire you because you lie on the application, they can fire you at any time.