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My internet connection is behaving weird? - Printable Version

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My internet connection is behaving weird? - Isaac - 04-27-2014 10:34 PM

Me and my family use AT&T internet, for about 2 years outer internet wad flawless, but for the past week tge internet leaves at random times unless I reset my router, it can work for 5 minutes or 2 days and then it leaves. I am sickand tired of losing my connection, especially since im a gamer. Can anyone tell me what to do? We alreadygot a new router but that didn't really solve the problem

- Dr. Clef - 04-27-2014 10:35 PM

It may be a problem with your Internet provider. Try contacting them and asking what gives.

- Ben - 04-27-2014 10:41 PM

When I got my router changed by a technician he told me to turn off the router for about an hour or two each month and it should re-establish all the connection.
If you still have problems I'd recommend talking with AT&T and tell them a new router didn't help.

- Boss - 04-27-2014 10:43 PM

Time to call your ISP to see they can fix the problem.

- usrkdn_98 - 04-27-2014 10:44 PM

AT&T uses DSL. A DSL modem will loose it's connection or reboot if the Signal To Noise Ratio on the line gets too low. This allows other influences and traffic in the cable to confuse the DSL signal so your modem cannot do anything with it. When this happens, it will reboot and, for a short time it may work again. There may also be other issues in their equipment including the network interface. Any loose or temperature sensitive connection can make it go down also such as outside (or inside) temperature or humidity changes, any corrosion on a connection etc. When I was installing DSL and troubleshooting, we used a SNR of 12 which by other companies standards is high but, the higher the better. A SNR of 6 will run but that's only if everything in the loop is perfect all the time. The distance you are from their DSLAM (origin of DSL) effects it also. The farther away you are the lower your speed will be and, if they are pushing it too far, that will hurt it also.