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Question about Wireshark? - Printable Version

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Question about Wireshark? - victoriousicicle746 - 04-27-2014 10:35 PM

I was wondering if Wireshark can be used to analyze packets sent over an Ethernet connection. What I'm trying to say here is that the target of my, *ahem*, educational excursion is a 802.1x EAP secured wifi AP. However, the Ethernets are filtered (by Barracuda) but are unsecured (in the sense anyone with a internet-capable device and an Ethernet cord can freely browse the Web.) Thus, I am wondering whether packet analysis from sniffing an Ethernet connection could reveal any useful login info for the wifi AP.


- justme - 04-27-2014 10:40 PM

No, you will just see the raw packets. If its encrypted, you see mumbo jumbo in it. Besides, you cant see someone else logging in because, you arent connected to it. If you are connected via an ethernet connection, the packets of someone else will not be sent to you. The go to the router only.