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I am underage, and being blackmailed by a pakistani 17 year old.? - Printable Version

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I am underage, and being blackmailed by a pakistani 17 year old.? - Kat Van Dessen - 04-27-2014 10:36 PM

He has my email, kik, and phone number. He also has my full name. I do not have time for lectures, so if you think I'm a whore, I beg you to keep it to yourself. In complete trust I put on a little show for a guy on I did not go on there planning to do that. He told me he was from PA, so I assumed he was from Pennsylvania, and we talked about my favorite books, movies, and music. Telling me he was really turned on, and calling me beautiful, he then asked me to show him stuff. I regretted it immediately but I did. Before I did that, we already exchanged numbers and kiks. We talked on kik for about a week. On monday he revealed to me that he is from Pakistan and not America, and that he got the phone number from textnow. He told me that he would release the video to various porn sites if I didn't put on a show for him in a couple days. I bought myself some time with a couple lies but I don't know what to do. At first he told me he had deleted the video, but now he is saying he still has it. He showed me proof of the video yesterday, but he hasn't shown me proof since he told me he deleted it. He told me that there is no Pakistan law against child pornography so he would not get in trouble. Is this true? Is there any way for me to deal with this without bringing my parents into it, or anything that any of you can do? My parents and I have a very bad relationship. I'm not a terrible daughter, I do very well in school, and I help out a lot but they are having a lot of problems already and we aren't close. I don't have a facebook and I can't think of any social media connected to my full name or email that he could find specific family members to send it to. I suppose he would put the video up on porn sites with my name attached? Would this affect me? Please help if you know the answers to any of these questions. Also, how would I go to the police, and is there any way to do that without telling my parents? Thank you.

- Ruckus - 04-27-2014 10:42 PM

go talk to your parents, come clean and deal with it head on.
you brought this on yourself now fix it by going to adults who may be able to help you.

that's it.

as for porn sites and's against the law here in the US to SHOW any porn that involves minors and it is monitored by police closely.

I sure hope you learn from this and keep your clothes on when you are online for crissake.

- Nymeria - 04-27-2014 10:50 PM

Oh gosh I'm sorry. That sounds really scary. I am from the UK but I would call the police an tell them or go in and talk to them about it. I do not know the laws there but it is definitely illegal for any pornographic sites that distribute to the US to have material on them of people under 18. I don't know how they would get to him but it is worth talking to them and hoping that they understand.

If the worst happens and the video ends up on a porn site then you could contact the site with your ID and info and tell them you are underage and I can imagine they would take it down as it would be illegal to keep it up. What he is doing is illegal and is blackmail anyway. You doing that on omegle and him having the video is illegal in itself as it counts as child pornography.

I think I've said all I can. If nothing works then you might have to tell your parents or an adult you trust to get help on it. I hope this works out for you.