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How do you find someones address online? - Printable Version

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How do you find someones address online? - raspyrock229 - 04-27-2014 10:37 PM

Like, someone from Yahoo Answers or a social media site.

I've heard of stuff like this happening, and it even happened to someone I knew on a site called

someone found out her address and told everyone.

i just dont want it to happen to me. how can I prevent it? should I use the deep web instead? if i use twitter, yahoo answers, youtube or anything through Tor, can people still find me if they stalk me?
yeah it was creepy. i've haven't asked how since i left for the summer. its just random people. we have our circle and stuff. it's not as popular as it was in 2009 and stuff.

but yeah, she hasn't returned since i guess.

- Aaron - 04-27-2014 10:40 PM

Hi Aydm,

If you want to be anonymous on the WEB use a VPN

free ones i know are
hotspot shield and ultra surf

they use different IP address should be able to hide yourself from stalkers

- Best IT Guy - 04-27-2014 10:42 PM

Use a IP Changer like (It may cost but there a free ones out there) All it does is hides your ip and when they track you it says you live in a different country/state. And most of the time when they track you it arnt accurate (It only tracks where your internet service provider MAIN connection tower is coming from).

- TREV - 04-27-2014 10:48 PM

If you are talking about your house address and not an IP address then it's easy: NEVER EVER enter it in any website.