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Do you have to BUY keywords for an Adsense website for them to show up in a Google search? - Printable Version

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Do you have to BUY keywords for an Adsense website for them to show up in a Google search? - me - 04-27-2014 10:38 PM

Sorry, a stupid question, I know.

If I have a website or blog that I partially use as a means of income via Google Adsense, do I have to actually buy keywords to use them on my site and for them to show up in a Google search? The reason I ask is because my website and blog doesn't sell anything, so pay-per-click ads (i.e. Google Adwords) are not what I'm going for and would not be cost efficient to say the least.

What other options are there to add keywords to my site or blog for free? Will they allow my site to show up in a Google search and, as a result, generate good traffic? All the videos and tutorials I see for Adsense always recommend using Adwords, but I can't afford to buy a bunch of pay-per-click keywords just to have a small chance that someone will click an ad on my site.

Thanks in advance.

- Mike H - 04-27-2014 10:40 PM

you need to optimise your website for the search engines so it appears higher in googles listing - this means you pick a keyword or phrase then you have this in the title of the webpage - you have it sprinkled in the pages content - and you add it to the html code as keywords and metatags.

it is quiet a subject learning about search engine optimisation, but you really need to at least have a basic understanding to be able to compete against other websites -

- mac_abhinav - 04-27-2014 10:46 PM

firstly i need to what is your site about
if it was some way related to business then go for intellitext that pays you for the text on your blog
just google it out you will find a way to use it for making money

- ramandertaliseman - 04-27-2014 10:50 PM

The product is adwords, and it compliments adsense. companies publish ads with adwords, which get displayed on the search engine and adsense publisher websites.

Generally its hard to develop an adwords campaign that earns more in adsense revenue than it costs to run the adwords campaign

- Lynn M - 04-27-2014 10:56 PM

You don't have to do anything...but if you want traffic, you either have to be good at SEO, or 'buy' your way to page one using Adwords.

Optimizing your site for the keywords you are using is only part of the plan. Your site has to be relevant to the keywords you are using, Google wants people to find what they are searching that is your main goal.
You also need backlinks to your site...which can be accomplished in a variety of ways (article writing, using web 2.0 properties, etc.). This can take time, which is why so many folks prefer Adwords to 'buy' their way to the top.

- bob j - 04-27-2014 11:00 PM

I will give you the best tool From Google....
Get google SEO Starter guide from google, free PDF..

Make sure you get the free one from google......