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Can anyone suggest any Free/Low priced Online Courses? - Printable Version

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Can anyone suggest any Free/Low priced Online Courses? - BABY-G - 04-27-2014 10:42 PM

I'm a college student presently pursuing my BA in nursing. It's been rather hard for me because of financial problems. I'm unable to attend school like I want because I have to work and provide for myself. I'm from the Bahamas, but the island I live on isn't home. Trying to work & pay bills to keep a roof over your head, food in your stomach and clothes on ya back while making minimum wage & desiring to school and take at least 2 classes a semester just to stay in is so very very hard! I applaud persons who make it despite all odds! I'm now sitting out of school and I would like to find some classes I can do online. I'm hoping I can find FREE courses that give certificates of completion or something after the course has ended or courses that don't cost too much. I want to keep my head in the books even doe I'm not in the actual classroom I want to be in. It's my hope that taking these lil classes will help me keep moving, though it be slow, I'll be moving nonetheless. These courses will keep information fresh in my mind and when I return to school any classes I haven't done yet I may b able to raise ahead of the class because I've already been introduced to the information via online schooling. I've been thinking of doing a medical assistant course so I can change jobs and start making better money. I know dropping from Nursing to a medical assistant is a big drop but at least I would be in the medical field and gain experience from working where I want to be ater college. The course is shorter but the credits per class cost more and I don't have the money. Can someone please help?! Where can I seek out online classes to help me advance?

- Jake - 04-27-2014 10:49 PM

Any course offering a certification would probably be offered by your local government or non profit, the medical profession is probably more particular about the certification process than other industries.

Some innovative training for some of the basic science you may have to know, can be found at, there is a Health Care and Medicine section.

- Raelynn Hannah - 04-27-2014 10:52 PM

Try ALISON for learning and certificate and try Khan Academy for learning.

- James - 04-27-2014 11:02 PM

Hey Buddy,

It might help you in your situation

Best Regards