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Facebook: Popularity Contest? - Printable Version

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Facebook: Popularity Contest? - Alyssa - 10-15-2012 09:03 PM

Facebook: The primary purpose is to market yourself to as many people as possible.

Each individual posts a status to make themselves look like they are having the BEST time of their life. When someone looks at their wall, they see someone with a perfect life, yet, they don't know their having relationship drama, a bad hair day, or (shocking!) watching tv on a saturday night. Its not real life.

Its fun, its addicting. You can stalk ex boyfriends without anyone knowing. Then you start checking everyday. :/ problem? Your wasting time checking out old flings when you could be meeting someone new. Its counter-productive.

You post a cute picture of yourself at a party. NBD, right? Then a friends parent sees you with a red cup and assumes you were drinking alchohol. (This has happened to many people!) You can get into serious trouble. Jobs DO stalk your facebook, and if anything remotley sketchy, they won't hire.

I think this "facebook" addiction has gone out of control. I am deleting mine.

Whats your opinion of facebook? Too fun to delete? A major part of your life? Comment below

- Hotguy - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

facebook sucks

- Nunya - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

facebook addiction was out of control the second it no longer required a school email address

- Charlotte - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

I have to admit I hate it when poeple use facebook as a place to show how popular they are... Like trying to get as many "likes" for their status or photo and looking for compliments.
I use it to keep in touch with my friends and my family that lives a long way away from me.
Some poeple look like they've got tons of friends and having tons of fun of facebook, when actually it's totally the opposite... Anyway, that's what I think.

- Doctor Singh - 10-15-2012 09:12 PM

Talking of addiction, I recently saw this Travel story contest on Facebook which has become quite popular in a short span of time :

The quality of this contest is good though ..