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Situation with two guys, advice? - CRAZY - 04-27-2014 10:43 PM

So this boy and I have currently been in the talking/dating stage for about 2 months. He's really amazing, and I like him a whole lot, and I can tell that he likes me back. Now there's this boy who I sort of met in the beginning of the semester. He's friends with the boy I'm talking to, but not close friends, but he's part of the group he's in (I go to a big university, but somehow this big group hangs out and knows each other lol I'm kind of a part of that group). Recently, I followed him on Twitter and added him on Facebook. And now he's coming off strong on me, sending me dm's and calling me pretty and asking for my number. I wouldn't mind becoming friends with him - he's a really funny person. But I already like another guy. What should I do?

- anonymous - 04-27-2014 10:51 PM

Tell him that you're already dating another guy, but you'd like to be friends with him. There's nothing wrong with that, especially if he's friends with your boyfriend.

- Alex - 04-27-2014 11:01 PM

Well it's obvious that this other guy likes you. I would say to drop hints that you just want to be friends. The biggest hint to him will be if you and this other guy do end up having something. Otherwise it's always an option to be honest and straight up say that your interested in someone else. It is better to just come out and tell him, then to leave him hanging or lead him on. Hope i helped and good luck! xx

- Teonah - 04-27-2014 11:08 PM

If you like the guy you are with then stay with him and tell the other guy you want to be friends so if anything happens with you and that other guy than u have him .

- erica s - 04-27-2014 11:09 PM

Is the second guy just naturally a flirt? If so, that could be his way with everybody. I would talk to him on Facebook chat and ask him that way. If you see him in person, I would ask then because I think in person is always better. If he says he does like you, be honest. I'm flattered that you like me, but I already like someone else. I know telling someone your feelings for them is hard, but I hope we can still be friends. If he doesn't like you, then just be friends. Good luck!