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My parents won't let me post anything on Facebook.? - Printable Version

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My parents won't let me post anything on Facebook.? - John Casasola - 04-27-2014 10:44 PM

So I'm 13, (old enough to own a Facebook), and my parents have forced me to add all my aunts, cousins, and even them. I like all these pages that post funny content, like "The Best Of Tumblr" and "Patrick Fucking Star". I even made a page with 400 likes. So, they keep yelling at me because I share supposedly "stupid" things, because they think my high school (I live in NYC and I did well on the SHSAT. I got into Brooklyn Tech) is going to search me up on facebook. Let me point a few things out. 1) High Schools don't search you up. I got into the school fair and square, and I'm pretty sure they won't kick you out of a specialized high school.
2)I have made my Facebook profile virtually impossible by searching up my real name. I have a fake name, my Facebook URL isn't my original, my email doesn't include any thing that can give away my name, and my pictures don't have pictures of my self.
Yesterday, I shared this tumblr post where a guy says, "I want a remote that can shut people up", and then someone posts a picture of a gun. They started yelling at me. Saying that my other family members have seen the photo and they are going to think I'm a "lunatic". I decided to make a new account later that night, and they started yelling at me AGAIN. They say I'm under their roof, and I shall do as I'm told. What should I do? And what do you think of the situation?
At point #2, I mean to say "it's virtually impossible to find my profile by searching up my real name on Facebook."

- TexHabs - 04-27-2014 10:47 PM

Their house, their rules. To be honest I don't think my 12 year old niece is old or
mature enough to be on fb or any other social website. Focus on your education.

- callmetaco - 04-27-2014 10:51 PM

That's why no one goes on Facebook anymore because the parents took over.

- Nkefor - 04-27-2014 10:53 PM

Obey them. they are your parents and at your age, they better know what is right for you.

- Mohit - 04-27-2014 11:02 PM

i think this is the right time when u should know that they love you lot .and they understand what i most important for you ...obey them and be cool with that ...let them know how much you love them ...hope this will help

- Mark - 04-27-2014 11:08 PM

You have to see it from your parents point of view. Your only 13 and that to you may seem like your old enough to do what you want, view what you want and say what you want, and you may be the most mature 13 year old around but they are your parents. They want to not only protect you, but also they hope that they have a well rounded child who's respectful and in turn can be respected too.

It sounds from what you have said they want to let others see you in the best possible light and when your older after a great job at one of the top places earning all the cash you will be thankful they saved you from adding something you would later regret. Try not to blame them, get annoyed with them or rebel, trust me they just want the best for you. Some parents wouldn't care what their child got up to and while that at 13 sounds great, it's often those who turn out to be the worst in life.

If you see something that's funny just laugh about it to yourself you don't have to share your life, thoughts and feelings to the world all the time!

- Albert - 04-27-2014 11:17 PM

You just make a new account and keep enjoy without any disturbance.