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Is there something wrong with me? - Printable Version

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Is there something wrong with me? - Jollydress315 - 04-27-2014 10:44 PM

Hi, im 14, and have never previously had a girlfriend. Theres a girl at school in the year below who I know likes me, shes quickly glancig at me getting nervous around me and occasionally teasing me. I also happen to like her.

I've always had a problem talking to girls, I just get so nervous, blush and its just embarrassing, so i try and avoid it when I can. I know this isn't good, but its just what I do.

The girl who I like added me on facebook a few weeks back, we've had a few really good conversations, and a few not so good.

It annoys me to think that I cant bring myself to talk to girls, it makes me feel so bad. Considering the fact I want a relationship with this girl and I know she likes me, this is especially frustrating.

Am i ever going to change?

- Liana - 04-27-2014 10:45 PM

omg you're just a kid - worry when you're 30 and havent had a gf

- Amanda - 04-27-2014 10:52 PM

you should not worry. im 21 without anybody but im waiting on the right one

- GhostBride - 04-27-2014 11:01 PM

There is nothing wrong with you. First, try having a real face-to-face conversation with her. The more you talk in person, the easier it will get. Try asking her on a casual date or get a group of friend together one night to do something and invite her. (I know that will be hard, but just build up the courage and go for it without second guessing.) It will get easier the more you are around her. If she does like you, she will understand that you are shy and nervous.

- Amanda - 04-27-2014 11:09 PM

No, there's nothing wrong with you! The best thing to do is to just put off a good vibe when you're around her. Don't cross your arms or frown or anything. Also, to get yourself used to talking with girls, make friends with some other girls who you DON'T like in a more-than-a-friend way. It's always a good start so that you know how to act and how to not act around other girls. I also want to warn you about Facebook messaging and texting; if that's the only way you can talk to her, that's not such a good thing. Once you talk to someone a lot over social media, it can become awkward to talk to them in person. Try and focus on only talking to her in person. Before you talk to her, make sure you're relaxed and not tensed up. The best piece of advice I can give you is to just be yourself. If she doesn't like you for you, then it's a relationship not worth pursuing.