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What do you think? Please answer!? - Insanecream489 - 04-27-2014 10:45 PM

I'm 16 and play with all guys on a highschool hockey team where they all know eachother from school but i don't really know them, I've played with some of them since i was little but i was always shy and never were friends. This one guy ive seen around working there when i used to play we have a few mutual friends (girls i used to do gymnastics with but i dont think he knows we know eachother) Anyway, so I found his Instagram which I felt a little stalkerish haha, So I followed him, he accepted it, the he followed me back, then I went a liked a few of his pictures that were of him playing hockey and stuff, then he went a liked a few of mine but they were only ones of my doing gymnastics or pretty much just my body from weeks ago lol. Then it ended there and I haven’t seen him in like a month because he hasn’t showed up to the games (spring break and idk why else). I would feel weird to talk to him asking where he was or anything just because ive barely talked to him in real life but I like him as a friend and hes attractive toooo Wink haha so what do you think all of this means? It bugs me because most of the guys don’t even try to talk to me and I kind of don’t to them because idk what to say, I don’t know what any of them think of me! I mean they could either think im hot but just they could think im a lesbian or just like another guy except not really I don’t know! What do you guys think? ( I would put up a picture but that would be a little weird..)

- Jay - 04-27-2014 10:47 PM

A relationship happens from talking one sentence can lead to 1billion sentences. A guy will eventually call you pretty you will get wet and you will have sex lol

- Daan - 04-27-2014 10:48 PM

Okay, that Juan Pardo guy turns up on every question here so let's just ignore him.

I think you are in love with him, but to shy to say it. And he probably he is too. Guys are always shy and awkward and the only remedy for this is having relationships with girls.
Just ask him what he has been up to. If he likes you he is probably going like 'Ho shit she actually asks what I have been up to can that mean something? Probably not but holy shit'
Ask him if he wants to hang out and do something neutral. The most neutral thing is a group activity.
And see how it goes from there

If he is inexperienced with girls he doesn't know how to respond, so he will try very stupid things with you or not contact you at all.
That's just how guys are. A way to determine if he likes you is to kiss him. But make it look like he is the one kissing you, so he feels like a ladies man and is more confident. If he feels confident enough, he will tell you his feelings. And there is no better way to make him confident than to rub his masculinity
Okay that came out wrong, but it's just that guys are not confident. They gain their confidence generally through girls. But he can gain confidence if you boost his ego. And a way to do this is to kiss him